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In researching the causes of the serious political and economic crisis that we are experiencing, especially since the post-elections, many analyze topics that concern the mechanisms, and the people, involved in the various strategies for political and institutional action.
From these analyses, these causes seem to be generated by the responsibilities of individuals, or perhaps by a very bad electoral law, which, however, arises even further behind, when with the myth of the majority, aggravated by the thresholds by barrier and majority prizes, and in the name of governability, democracy has been canceled, giving ease to the idea that the best majority and the best governability are obtained with the dictatorship.
As always, symptoms are confused with causes, in a profound crisis that is above all of a social nature, where the ethical and cultural abyss of the conformist masses does not allow us to look inside a suffering that has all the characteristics of a psychosocial illness. It will certainly not be with a variation of the leaders, or with a less porcelain elaboration of the electoral law, or even worse with the removal of parliamentary representatives, granting even more power to individuals instead of diluting it, that the crisis will be resolved.
Yet all these solutions, including those that concern overcoming the economic crisis, are shared in a chaos that embraces almost all of the political culture represented today at the level institutional and media: the great right. Societies get sick like individuals, and like in these, pain that is not properly processed is transformed into an inability to interact functionally with reality. It is a stolen reality that is staged every day by the media, by the representatives of the great right that tries to represent the world, to conform it to its interests, disguising itself as President of the Republic, as a free and enlightened journalist, as a vacuous metaphorist, as a depressed jester.
And it is precisely the paradoxical depression, that denial of the devaluation of the self given by poor care, feelings of guilt, perhaps because of a car accident that caused the death of some friends, and by lack of adherence to real needs, which creates a mythology of personal power at the expense of others who have become a projective metaphor for the real self despised.
From this comes the ethics of the right, now shared in the great cultural ecumenism of the great right, which pursues the usual ideals, the domination of the world by the rich, justified by the myth now universal of meritocracy, but not valid if on the same merit and with equal earnings you put on a dishwasher and an entrepreneur, and contempt with a final strategy of eliminating the exploited miserable .
The great right, corroborated by the cowardice of the mystifiers of the false left, is now in control of the consciences of most people. He convinced Anglo-Saxsonically that the value of the self is that of accumulated goods, that wealth is no longer a sin, that whoever exploits the work of the other is no longer a criminal but a benefactor, that the world is Like the big boob of child psychological mythology, you can suck it endlessly so it never ends.
Sick societies, like individuals, regress, moving to previous phases of evolutionary development to try to combat the anguish of the present that is no longer manageable. The regressive fantasy of the big boob also represents the defeat of the father's symbol, now unable to look at reality with clarity and courage, defining the boundaries between good and evil. A father defeated in his role as responsible for the ethical growth of his children, leaving them at the mercy of the omnipotent desire of maternal origin. And our society is scarce of fathers, of real fathers, who now wear metaphorical bras to try to continuously breastfeed their children, forgetting the need for independence and autonomy, and of social fathers, now increasingly obsessed with their egocentric, pathetic, aggressive and manipulative instincts.
The cultural symbols of the great right now act as indelible and powerfully effective signs in the consciences of the vast majority of people because they meet the needs of psychic defense against the fault for one's own dysfunctional behavior. Social suffering has now accumulated so much pain that it can no longer manage its weight, and everyone becomes the scapegoat of the other, easily tamed by the propaganda proclamations proposed by the great right for the solution of the world's ills. It is enough to believe that others are responsible, that environmental and economic resources are infinite and those who exploit and accumulate do not take away resources from the other, that the economic crisis is basically a kind of natural cataclysm without any human responsibility, that the rich and the powerful are good and benefactors, that the Internet will save the world.
If it is a psychosocial illness, the result of an ethical conflict between the original culture and Anglo-Saxon hegemony, then the therapeutic logic would include a social psychotherapy that connects the people bewitched by the false myths of the great right and the big boob with their reality and with their suffering. Not being able to imagine, and not even wishing it, a symposium of enlightened therapists who take charge of the fate of our social illness, the solution in these cases is the awareness of the damage and the contact with reality. Going out into the streets, closing the virtualization of relationships and emotions offered by the synthetic computers of sociality and democracy, dismiss the mystifiers of the great right, contact the concrete suffering of others as a mirror of their own, and, finally, trying to do something useful, that is, human.
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